Sunday, 27 December 2015


                  WHAT IS BANKING?

'Bank' means to trust, to have faith. The word 'Bank' also means an institution, which accepts deposits from the people and grants loans to traders, against some security and earns a certain percentage of profit. Banking means to have complete knowledge about the written rules and regulations ad well as unwritten and written I complicated system of accounts and audit. This subject has been prescribed with economics accountancy is the highest qualification which is pretty difficult and quite a lengthy course. As banking is linked with banks, therefore we should know that there are seven types of banks in Pakistan. First the central Bank (State Bank), which was, establish on July 1, 1945 at Karachi. State Bank issues currency, ensures sound banking system in the country, controls foreign currency and fixed the ratio of exchange and as the chief financial adviser to the Government, on all matters relating the credit, currency, floating of loans, exchange control and all other monetary problems. Number two is National Bank (it is semi-Govt Bank); number three is commercial Bank (To supply capital) to businessman. Number four is Industrial Bank (Granting long term loans to industries). Number five : Agricultural Bank (To supply loan to farmers). Number six : exchange Bank (To facilitate the foreign trade by buying & selling the bills of exchange) and number seven Co-operative banks (They advance loans for cottage/domestic industries. In general commercial banks cater for the common people as they receive deposits and pay some profit. There are various types of deposits as (1). Current deposits (no interest no profit) (2) Fixed deposits (the amount can be drawn after a fixed period and the interest is more than the saving deposits. (3). Saving deposits (the interest rate is generally 8 to 10%) Commercial Banks have other duties to perform, such as to grant loans,invest in industries (by purchasing shares). They discount bills and earn profit. They send money from one place to another, keep ornaments and bonds in their safe custody;  they also collect rent, electricity, sui-gas charges, T.V. licence fees etc. All Banks help in controlling the inflationary trend.

Saturday, 26 December 2015



In 1861, Sir Syed founded an English medium school in Murad Abad, He had been thoroughly convinced that it was imperative for the Indian Muslims, to gain proficiency in Western sciences along with the religious instructions, otherwise they would not progress in any field. Gradually this faith gained ground and he sincerely and seriously stared thinking about educating the Muslims. It so happened that in 1869 the Government of India agreed to sanction a scholarship for justice Mahmood to go to England to acquire education. It was the desire of Sir Sued, that if he could find a change, he may go to England, along with his son and deeply studies the system of education prevalent there. Therefore he went to England. There he decided that a university should be founded in India, for the sake of Muslims, which in no way be inferior to Oxford and Cambridge. On his return to India, he founded M.A.O. College, on 2nd January 1877 which gradually rose to the status of Muslims university Ali Garh.



Iqbal was over greatest poet and philosopher. In those days when we were held in political and economic bondage, by the Hindus and the Englishmen he demanded a separate homeland for the Muslims. He not only gave us the conception of a separate homeland, but gave us a philosophy to give it a practical shape. This philosophy was different from the prevalent philosophy. Muslims, who were dismayed because of the slavery of two hundred years, had started thinking that they could not win back the glory, which they had lost.

Discussion about fixed and moving stars


You know that there are two kinds of stars, one fixed and the other moving.
The moving stars are called rotating and the fixed, stationary. The stars in which the moon, the sun and Mars etc, are included, have their order of motion. The sun is the biggest and regulates their movement. Therefore this order is called the solar system. You will be surprised to know that our earth is one of the planets and it is also a part of the solar system. People in the past believed that the sun revolved round the earth, but modern research has proved that the earth revolves round the sun, the moon round the earth and the rest of the planets in their orbits, Because of the law of gravitation, planets are attracted towards one another and held in their places.



We are the youth of Pakistan. We should work very hard for our country and motherland so that everyone may praise us. At the time of need. We may sacrifice our life for the cause of our country. We should be ready for every sacrifice. We know that our enemy is read to pounce upon us. We ought to prove to the world that we are the citizens of a free nation and know how to safe guard our Freedom.

The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam was born in Karachi. His father was a big businessman. When he became five years old, he was admitted in a primary School. After completing his primary education,he attained education in singh high school. He was very intelligent. After passing his matriculation examination, at the age of sixteen he left for London for higher education. At the age of twenty, he was called to the bar and started his practice in Bombay.The judicial secretary of Bombay was so much impressed. His intelligence that he offered him a job of Rs.1500.00 per month, but when Quaid-i-Azam declined to accept it, within a short time his name became famous amongst the top lawyers. He married in 1918. In those days congress was the only political party in India, but the rights of the Muslim were not safeguarded by it. When Quaid-i-Azam watched this situation, he resigned from the Congress in 1934 he was elected as the president of Muslim league. On account of his devotion and intelligence, he rallied the Muslims under a common flag. His tireless efforts brought Pakistan into existence. Quaid-i-Azam was appointed ad the first governor general. Due to incessant work, he lost his health and expired on sept. 11, 1948.

Discussion on population what is this?

                  OVER POPULATION

Each community is different and cannot be judged by a universal standard. The writer gives the definition of over-population and says "When there are more people that can live on the earth in comfort, happiness and health and still leave the world a fit place for future generation". Very first element of the definition is "comfort". The comfort depend on housing, food, health and employment. But there is no universal standard to judge these items. Many questions arise in our mind about hosing gabout housing. For example what kind of housing? How much space for each person? Is there heat or air- conditioning? All about these questions there is no general argument in the world. The second element of the definition is "happiness". The meaning of "happiness" differs from person to person. For example for some people happiness means shelter, food and health. For other happiness means a car, big house, servants and swimming pool. The third element of the definition is "health". Again the world is not agreed to its definition. Does the "health" mean to lengthen the span of life? Does it mean to put an end to infant and child mortality completely? The fourth element of the definition is "leaving the earth a fit place for future generation". Does the word "fit" mean a population free world? Does it mean that the future generations will develop technologies to create new energy resources? This definition is also vague.   The writer concludes that it is impossible to put forward an "agreed definition of the word "Over- Population".



My hobby is collecting stamps. I have all sorts of stamps. Some of them are very old and some rare. When I was a child, I felt very happy looking at the coloured stamps. My older brother possessed a great number of stamps which he pasted in a copy , but he did not allow me to touch them. When I went to school, I started collecting the old stamps.
Gradually their number increased so many that it became difficult to handle them. I purchased a beautiful note book and pasted them in it. Now I have many such notebooks. You will be surprised to know that I lid not buy even a single stamp.