Saturday, 26 December 2015



We are the youth of Pakistan. We should work very hard for our country and motherland so that everyone may praise us. At the time of need. We may sacrifice our life for the cause of our country. We should be ready for every sacrifice. We know that our enemy is read to pounce upon us. We ought to prove to the world that we are the citizens of a free nation and know how to safe guard our Freedom.

The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam was born in Karachi. His father was a big businessman. When he became five years old, he was admitted in a primary School. After completing his primary education,he attained education in singh high school. He was very intelligent. After passing his matriculation examination, at the age of sixteen he left for London for higher education. At the age of twenty, he was called to the bar and started his practice in Bombay.The judicial secretary of Bombay was so much impressed. His intelligence that he offered him a job of Rs.1500.00 per month, but when Quaid-i-Azam declined to accept it, within a short time his name became famous amongst the top lawyers. He married in 1918. In those days congress was the only political party in India, but the rights of the Muslim were not safeguarded by it. When Quaid-i-Azam watched this situation, he resigned from the Congress in 1934 he was elected as the president of Muslim league. On account of his devotion and intelligence, he rallied the Muslims under a common flag. His tireless efforts brought Pakistan into existence. Quaid-i-Azam was appointed ad the first governor general. Due to incessant work, he lost his health and expired on sept. 11, 1948.

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